「旅.攝」Facebook 專頁於2012年初創立,致力分享有關旅遊及攝影的原創照片及文章。如今專頁的「讚好」人數已經超過90000人。

有關創辦人 Henry Lo

土生土長香港人,熱愛旅遊醉心攝影;踏足過全球7大洲,遊歷約60個國家超過250個城市,擅長用影像為他紀錄每一個在旅程上探索過的動人故事。Henry 於 2012年中開始在Facebook 創立「旅.攝」專頁,透過動人照片及旅遊文章,發放正面能量,至今專頁追隨者接近90000人,同時亦於香港各報章雜誌及網上中英文平台發表旅遊文章及攝影作品。亦曾多次被旅行社,本地傳媒及私人機構邀請,作為旅遊及攝影講座之講者。

Henry Lo has been in love with travelling since his university days. He has left his footprints in 57 countries and over 250 cities, and has travelled to all seven continents; loves capturing memories by photography and sharing his feelings through travel stories.
His travel writing is regularly published in leading newspapers, magazines and websites in Hong Kong. He also shares his years of travel and photography experience to others with workshops and classes hosted by travel agencies, local media, and private organizations.
His twin passions of travel and photography attracts over 90000 Facebook followers from all over the world including people from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.


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